
A developer's braindump

openId id_token validation in javascript (an angular service)

This post is related to the following stackoverflow question : How can I validate an openId id_token in javascript.

The Short story

we need to use JSWS.

  1. download the libraries from here. I've downloaded version 3.0.2.

  2. in your _index.html_,reference the **jws-3.0.js**, the **json-sans-eval.js** file that you downloaded above
    (json-sans-eval is located in [_jsjws-3.0.2\ext_] directory. (more info on it can be found here
    [json-sans-eval site](https://code.google.com/p/json-sans-eval/))
  3. if you run the code, you will get the following exception : b64utohex is not defined

  4. you need to reference another library. in fact I found the related project jsrsasign having the required libraries. you can download a release here : https://github.com/kjur/jsrsasign/tags/ I downloaded the version 4.7.0 and took out the jsrsasign-4.7.0-all-min.js file and added in referencing scripts.

Now you have all the necessary files to get it done using the following code :

function validateToken(id_token, cert) { var jws = new KJUR.jws.JWS(); var result = 0; result = jws.verifyJWSByPemX509Cert(id_token, cert); if (result) { result = JSON.parse(jws.parsedJWS.payloadS); } else { result = 'unable to verify token'; } return result; }

Token validation coming from an openid endpoint will also be part fo my angular-toolkit project : check it here

Read more to get the Long story ...

The Long story

When getting and idtoken from an openid implementation server like thinktecture's Identytyserver or google openId, the [openId specification](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-10.html) requires that the client must validate the id_token. Some implementation offer an endpoint to validate the token and get it back in it's json decoded and decrypted format. but this require a round trip to the server and is usually not recommended in production use.

how to validate the token received from one of these endpoints using javascript libraries.

after asking on stackoverflow and googling a little, I found the javascript libraries required for validating the token could be found here : openid libraries.

As told in the short story, you can download JSWS from here: JSWS. JSWS is a javascript implementation of JWS.

you can also use this manual tool to verify your token : JWS Verifier

Below is a full angular app with one service that validates such a token against a certificate. retrieving certificate for validation is another story, but basically, you can get them from the uri provided in the discovery document (the one you get from /.well-known/openid-configuration) the url is the one in jwks_uri.

based on the short story here above, here is my index.html file

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.3.14/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="./jsrsasign-4.7.0-all-min.js"></script>
    <script src="./json-sans-eval.js"></script>
    <script src="./jws-3.0.js"></script>    
    <script src="./app.js"></script>
    <title>angular-jsws service</title>

<body data-ng-app="app" data-ng-controller="validateCtrl as vm">
    <section id="token">
        <p>paste token :</p>
        <textarea cols="100" rows="10" id="1" ng-model="vm.token"></textarea>
    <section id="token">
        <p>paste certificate :</p>
        <textarea id="2" cols="100" rows="10" ng-model="vm.certificate"></textarea>
    <section id="actions">
        <button ng-click="vm.validateWithCert()">Validate with cert</button>
    <section id="result">
        <p> result is </p>
        <p> {{vm.result}} </p>


and here is the app.js file containing the angular magic

[code language="javascript"] (function () { 'use strict';

var app = angular.module('app', [

app.factory('idTokenValidator', [function () {
    return {
        validateToken: validateToken

    function validateToken(id_token, cert) {
        var jws = new KJUR.jws.JWS();
        var result = 0;
        result = jws.verifyJWSByPemX509Cert(id_token, cert);
        if (result) {
            result = JSON.parse(jws.parsedJWS.payloadS);
        } else {
            result = 'unable to verify token';

        return result;



app.controller('validateCtrl', [
    function (idTokenValidator) {
        var vm = this;

        vm.title = 'sample token validation';

        vm.token = 'eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ.qCW4l5nfdvBt-yl_OiYRFrKkribqbDbmQ9ULyemAgCNXAAr70hN5-IERIefzySpm6Er4UuX_aXcnIXgMvK-hFMFhLOuJckrDEe1Pz-OzqScvGSJUbeOsd_nB9E2BNVYZrgMESQOifiEyUtWdbzCoMgf9nQg2AEWbVSaPImqQkGp-JZsJsvMUC-3A3RcimGIjLv-A8skyhNufASd6DPgk46Ydqt6vi2L6d2InvZSkhTSsYhbfm9TgrKyA906YHE0zE-asuXAzI1ISPxAjlO8ZhekEvg6teaa-1cSQQdOFj-ZWpqVsEI1YXr7zuvugWQhqfBqqPcT6fP5t3ff8FKwV9w';

        vm.certificate = '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----' +
            'BAYTAkpQMQswCQYDVQQKEwJ6MzAeFw0xMDA1MzEwNjE4MDhaFw0yMDA1MjgwNjE4' +
            'BQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOKosPD1rOz6Z5wtgVBKA0XMFxfKavF09f9x3N3LlCcF' +
            '/6LTXn6/waJq93bTNBESzdw63qQl77sxFORXCVQ1Ad7CPqRbY4ywVw/8yZri9wH4' +
            'PdSfae/fg5vuN3EesLissFSceQySHbMBeqEAw84cLvPXdlecdNmlwfS6nV5D8Ijt' +
            'HkebP8R14AEpfoag3VS/YS6Hd4hmvZ1e3BJQm3JfFFVzTyZ0AH2oimsxfoQnZf7M' +
            'qyIdCgmeaKYILEyYm6PKhVwZhuD5E+WG4RxNdcGCiC8GRUr2fYnXUT0CtwrYBYgZ' +
            '121cFObeu7Z/aTIsx4MqYLHwaHqMga6U7nOHoEgqY7ECAwEAAaN7MHkwHQYDVR0O' +
            'BBYEFKO4NcUDh3J5c7XD7j4pVXnzIfALMEoGA1UdIwRDMEGAFKO4NcUDh3J5c7XD' +
            'IxJT/gXXN10cub6O+x9q64ls7dpGpBvbi4/lJgZOsZqoJiswU5WOKZ4MTOmMHe4W' +
            'e/MHuhcjsgf9EHHYZQ1reBYi/l9mBBbYFGs0zSv1CyjbwkyF36nr/8sWdYf4ZtXQ' +
            'nzTGvoa6oTOOTmmj3Bwl3CHwonvgAJUCHY/UmWFzH8Sf0dDW7iJBj+ZWfjuSlSQe' +
            '2ninrEpfA4v2V1p3LOH+layZLDMJHkNCq8eoU1MbJi07cHxLWtlwliNOiRboaiYl' +
            '1wtWR7ZY4HZCPeyb0tanf58rBQAXElaCF3fmfHrlpxoJBsQP1NbFrBs2haOIEZ4E' +
            'K3V9/Bpi' +
            '-----END CERTIFICATE-----';

        vm.result = '';

        vm.validateWithCert = function () {
            vm.result = idTokenValidator.validateToken(vm.token, vm.certificate);


})(); [/code]

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